How It Works

•  We provide you with one line of computer code that you place on your website.
    (Your webmaster can do this for you, or we can install the code for you.)

•  With the code installed, a chat box appears on your website.

•  When a visitor clicks on the "start chat" a box opens and they can chat with an operator from Premier Legal Chat.

•  Visitors can also chat with you on a mobile phone.

•  When a visitorcould become a new client,we connect them to your phone. If you are not available we email and/or text the chat conversation to you so you can follow up.

Here are some real chats

The visitor's name has been changed and the phone number and email has been deleted from these chats.



Hi James
i am looking for some consultation for divorce

May I have your phone number and email to better assist you?

Which city/state are you located in?
Providence, RI

May I have your name please?


Are children involved?


I recommend you speak with one of our legal representatives who can review your case and recommend possible options moving forward. May I have them contact you?



Well I got served with papers on Saturday. I am about 150000 in debt that includes my home but it is my credit card and loan debt that is about 30,000 I need to take care of

May I have your phone number and email to better assist you?


Which state are you located in?

I am located in Rhode Island

Is there any more information you would like me to pass along to an attorney about your situation?/p>

well I have 20 days I guess from what it says to do something about this or I end up in court. I am looking to file chapter 7

For further assistance, I can connect you directly to our office by phone using our Call Connect service. Would you like to speak with someone now?



Query: I have an immigration issue
I filed for changed of status based on marriage
we were scheduled for interview on the 5th of september 2017, and my husband was arrested on the 25th August

I have an interview coming up with an immigration officer.

I am ready to answer any question

Call connect used

Disability Claim

Hi sorry I have left peroneal nerve permanent damage with foot drop.



I currently lost my job due to my limitations

Call Connect Offer


Thank you for your help today, enjoy the day.


Initial inquiry: Thinking of filing bankruptcy

Can't handle debt anymore

Filed before:



Pawtucket, RI


About $30,000 loan and credit cards

Thank you


I'm looking for a divorce Lawyer and am interested in setting up a consultation

We've been living apart for over 3 years, we have a 14 year old daughter and own a home together that he currently still resides in. I've been living in MA for over 2 years

nothing to date has been filed

we share custody of our daughter equally, I'd like to keep it that way

Property location

East Providence RI
